Changde group poems

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Number of views: 12763

Luo Liwu, Hunan Province

  Hearing the old man's words [New rhyme]Good walk to the end of the world, people to rare years to read home。Look at the Yuanjiang River bank view, two lines of tears a mother。 Downtown through the purple River side to enjoy the rain 【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】Willows in the wind boat shore, a group of buildings stand rain visitors to visit the fence。Peach blossom petals fall with the water, through purple harmony a song play。 Changdecheng visit bangsStreets and mountains, handsome men and beautiful women to each other。Loofah well overflowing firewood leaf, all around the song Fei Fei guess。 Written in the opening of the Yuanjiang River Tunnel 【皇冠体育比分网手机入口】Steady operation BMW carefully wear, the city is busy driving difficult。See where to this traffic flow, Yuanjiang bottom download song also。 Battle flood mapMoon black waves high day wash soldiers, the wall arm in arm fight to the death。When to listen to the rain night without sleep, full of spring river Changde city。 Old revolutionary area cadres sing red songs to welcome the 70th birthday of the RepublicLong life solemn scenery Ming, monument stands proud eagle。High hanging sickle axe gold flash, mighty emperor surprise。Pay tribute to the motherland mother love, speak aloud a pure love。Welcome the birthday of 70 years, the old district singing party listen。Note;Wanshou, Wenjia is a place name    Author Luo Liwu: Poetry Society of Dingcheng District, Changde City, Hunan Province Tel: 18975641025  
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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